Are you pro or anti Notion?

This Week: Notion Calendar 📅 Taking Time Off 🌴 Problem Solving 🔍

What we'll cover:

In This Week’s Tech News 🗞️

(click title to read full article)

Deep Dive 🤿

A summary of the advantages mentioned in the article:

  • Seamless integration with notion databases and tools allowing you to create or link documents with calendar invites

  • Automatically blocks1 work meetings on your personal calendar, and vice versa2 , so you can’t be double-booked3

  • Fast, simple and good-looking calendar with clever features like a command bar for quickly setting up recurring4 meetings

And the downsides:

  • Widely used tools like Android and Outlook currently not supported, it was built with Mac and iPhone users in mind5

1  blocks = reserves a specific time period on your schedule

2  vice versa = the opposite is also true

3  double-booked = make plans for two things at the same time

4  recurring = happening many times

5  in mind = as the aim or reason for an action

English At Work 👨‍💻

Talking about time off

While working in global teams, you’re going to hear a bunch of different terms used to describe having time off.

British English


Annual leave

American English


Paid Time Off (PTO)


time away from work

the paid number of days each year that an employee can be away from work

Other useful collocations:

to take a day off: “I’m taking three days off next week.”

carry over: “My company allows me to carry over a maximum of 5 unused annual leave days into the next year.”

Interview & CV Tips 📄

Verbs for Problem Solving

Diversify the language you use to describe your experience

streamlined development processes

identified areas for improvement

devised strategies to optimise…

evaluated project requirements

addressed challenges within the team

Vocabulary of the Week 📚

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